quint's microblog


i first had the idea for framedlabs on vacation at the beach. my dad worked at a camera store at the time and he had a customer that asked for recommendations for a photo frame that was high quality. after thinking about it, i bought the domain framedlabs.io, made a MongoDB database, and didn't think about it.

fast forward to ~ august 2022, i stumble on buildspace and i take part in their crypto courses. eventually, they started these β€œpomodoro” sessions with groups of people over zoom and i used these sessions to work on the dashboard and web end of framedlabs, where people would upload pictures. then, again, nothing.

fast forward the end of 2022, and buildspace nights and weekends s2 starts up. i get accepted and start working on framedlabs to become a physical product. i get through all six weeks, and get the opportunity to go to san francisco! it was an amazing experience, something that I wouldn't trade for anything else.

while i'm there, i get preorders for the physical frame, reaching 10 people who preordered a frame, doubling my goal of 5 people

since then, i've been off and on working on the physical framedlabs display.

now, i'm finally taking the opportunity and the motivation to finish framedlabs and ship all the orders out before the beginning of my sophomore year (august 25, 2024). i have a really good feeling that this is going to be great, and i'm so excited to finally finish framedlabs.

that's it! see you later

  • q